Home Care

How to Get the Best and Fastest Results

Unless otherwise stated, it is essential to perform your cervical traction, balance disc exercises, and fulcrums twice daily.

Cervical Traction

  1. Perform cervical warm-up, joint lubrications, and cartilage nourishment exercises (twist, flex, and extend head/neck).
  2. Adjust the connection so that the curved piece hangs slightly lower than the back of the head.
  3. Pulls handles down until stopped by curved neck piece with handles at shoulder height. Elbows and knees are against the wall, and feet are shoulder-width apart.
  4. Place curved piece behind neck and padded handle under chin or on forehead (TMJ-diagnosed patients use large padding). Place one hand on each handle end with palms toward face.
  5. Hold handles firmly; relax the knees so some body weight is supported by the traction. Traction is applied and controlled by bending the knees.
  6. Begin with 10 and work up to 60 repetitions per session.
  7. Add deep diaphragmatic breathing with traction, then exhale completely and forcibly when the traction is released.
  8. Ice the neck for 10 minutes if any pain is experienced.

Copyright The Pettibon System © 2009.

Dr. Go is a verified The Pettibon System provider.

Balance Disc Exercises

Flexicon and Extension Exercise to Warm Up the Lumbar Musculature

Side to Side Exercise to Warm Up Core Musculature

Rotation from Side to Side to Warm Up Upper Back Musculature

Front View

Side View


An Appointment



8:30am - 6:30pm

2:00pm - 6:30pm

8:30am - 6:30pm

8:30am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 11:00am

Movement Chiropractic
10507 Braddock Road Suite A
Fairfax, VA 22032
(703) 832-0110